art portfolio

Graphic Design

Dream Center – Concept brand for a center for the arts in war-torn countries, funded by UNESCO. As I worked on this design I had an idea of how it would look animated, so I created the animation to go along with it. I was inspired by the idea of art as a healing experience in countries that had experienced genocide, like Rwanda, so I worked with the idea of a bird returning to its flock.



The Fine Print, My Life as a Deskman. By Jack Schwartz.

This is a wonderful book by the former arts editor of the New York Times, chronicling the wild heyday of print journalism. Jack Schwartz was one of the authors of the infamous book, Naked Came a Stranger, erotic fiction that reached number one on the bestsellers list in the 60s. Kind of like 50 Shades of Grey. The only problem was, the book was a hoax. It was written by the entire staff of Jack’s paper on a bet that they could write a number one bestseller. The book was very well reviewed.  I edited the book and laid it out, as well as designed the cover.You can find it here.


Pirate Flags

I was lucky enough to get to design some pirate flags for production! The finished product was over four feet wide. When tasked with making a pirate girl flag, research quickly revealed how terrible other designs were. Most Pirate Girl flags had lipstick and mascara! This makes no sense for a skull! I wanted something dramatic, powerful and feminine, a pirate girl that was just as blood-thirsty as any male pirate. I’m really happy with the result and it is amazing to see them in stores.


BMCC Respiratory Club

– A logo I designed for BMCC Respiratory Therapy Department. It was made into a patch for lab coats as well as a logo.



I love skating and skate culture. In New York, I began designing skateboards in illustrator. I then printed the files and cut stencils out of clear mylar sheet. Finally I spray painted the stencils onto the boards, and finished the design with gold leaf. I loved how the NYC kids carried their skateboards around like shields, and I thought gold leaf boards would be amazing. I developed a brand idea around the ancient Roman empire, and changed the Roman motto “SPQR” (the senate and people of rome) to “SPQNY” (the senate and people of New York). I guess I should have copyrighted “SPQNY” because now there is an Italian restaurant with that name in the village. Some of the boards were purchased by art collectors, some of them were given to kids at the skate park. Some of them were in a cool skate graffiti show downtown in honor of the late great NY skater Andy Kessler. All in all it was a fun design project. The boards are a beautiful surface to work with, and pulling the stencil off is always a pleasant surprise.



Japanese Earthquake Relief T-shirt

I designed and produced this t-shirt  to raise money for disaster relief after the Japanese earthquake. The design is after a 1000 year old woodblock by Hokusai. The characters within the heart say “Nippon” — Japan in Japanese.


Free Trader Beowulf

– I’m a huge fan of the Magicians trilogy by Lev Grossman. The best way to explain it is that its like Harry Potter for grown ups, and the magic school, Brakebills college for magical pedagogy, is more like a graduate school. I started wondering what the Brakebills logo would look like and making products from the world of the books. I was so thrilled when Lev himself found my woocommerce store and bought my products. He even shared my work on social media and now I usually get a few purchases a week, especially now that the SYFY channel made the books into a show. If you’re a fan of the show or the books,  you can buy these products here, they come in tons of different colors and sizes.

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Max Wave – Logo Design and album insert for New York house DJ Max Wave. It might look familiar to you, the whole project is a reverse-engineering of the Sony Vaio branding and ad campaign. I wanted a club-vibe smoke effect, and I ended up photographing drops of ink in a glass baking pan and then inverting the image to achieve what I wanted.







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Maven – Branding for a Jewish Story Telling Project. A Maven is an expert, someone highly skilled. I made some 3-D versions but in the end the watercolor renderings of 2-D logos were the most striking. I loved the concept of the hand creating ripples in the water, as one Maven passed on their knowledge to others.


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StecSpecs – Branding for a local optometrist in Bend, Oregon. This is an exciting, high fashion glasses line. So happy to be contributing to local culture.








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All Mixed Up – Brand sketches for a local frozen yogurt company in Bend, Oregon. I like the punk vibe in the typography.





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COCC Art Club – T-shirt design produced to raise money for the COCC art club – Bend, Oregon. Sale of this shirt raised enough money to help fund the annual field trip!





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BMCC – Design for Borough of Manhattan Community College Gala Celebration, used on the cover of a color pamphlet, New York, NY


bmcc tower





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Artsy Pups – Environment layouts for the Artsy Pups cartoon –New York, NY. I’m not sure if this cartoon was ever made but it was fun to be part of the team working on the pitch for PBS. It was about a group of puppies that experience fine art.

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The Outpost at Or Chadash – Design for a youth group at a congregation in Phoenix, AZ.


Thanks for looking! Please get in touch using the contact page!


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By isaacpeterson

Isaac Peterson is an author, artist, and educator living in Oregon. Isaac illustrates children's books for both print media and animated IOS and Android applications. Isaac is working on his first science fiction novel. You can read portions of it in the writing blog. An accomplished film photographer, he recently won first place in a group show at fotofoto gallery in New York.

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